Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week 20 update

I went to a maternal/fetal specialist at the hospital that I intend to deliver at on Thursday for my 20 week ultrasound.  Both babies are doing well. Baby A is estimated at 1.25 lbs and Baby B is estimated at 1 lb. Baby A is basically on top of Baby B so it is hard for the ultrasound technician to get good pictures of Baby B.  The babies are also big enough now that they can't get them both in the same picture. They also gave us a DVD with a video of some of the ultrasound but I haven't figured out how to get it loaded yet.

At my last prenatal visit my doctor prescribed me a blood glucose monitor.  I have been testing my blood glucose for about a month now.  While my levels during the day are pretty good they have determined my fasting (8 hour) blood sugar is too high.  Therefore the maternal/fetal specialist diagnosed me with gestational diabetes.  I will be discussing my options with my doctor on Thursday this week. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

18 Week Pregnant Photo

Aaron and I went what will be our last romantic getaway this past weekend.  We went to St. George and mostly hiked around Snow Canyon State Park.  I'm pretty proud I could still hike over 3 miles. Here's a few photos from the weekend.